When Do You Need MacBook Battery Replacement Dubai Services?
Apple may well be a few steps ahead in the battery game. That’s because they provide users with a way to keep an eye on the number of charging cycles their laptop’s battery has been through.
We all know, however, that there comes a time when the laptop starts acting up. Chances are, that’s when we have to opt for the best MacBook battery replacement Dubai services we can. There is no need to worry since there are certain signs to look out for so you don’t face unnecessary inconvenience; we will cover them in this blog.
4 Ways to Find Out if Your MacBook Needs Battery Replacement
below are the most important ways to confirm your suspicion that there’s
something wrong with your MacBook’s battery:
1. Look at Battery Cycles - Although this may be obvious, it proves quite handy a few years down the lane. Checking the battery’s health isn’t as complicated as it seems, either. All you have to do is open your MacBook and go to System Information > Hardware > Power.
Opening the Power section will give you plenty of information regarding the battery. These include the battery’s present status as well as the number of charging cycles it has been through so far. If this number is above 1000 and the status is not “Normal,” then it may be time to call a MacBook battery replacement Dubai based service.
2. Charging Related Issues - Keep in mind the battery may not always be at fault here. Sometimes, if the laptop won’t charge, it may be because of the electrical outlet or the charging cable being damaged or improperly attached.
However, if you have checked these two possible causes and the battery isn’t holding a charge, there may truly be something wrong with it. While you are getting your laptop’s battery replaced, you can choose to ask about the laptop screen replacement Dubai shops offer as well. You never know when such information can become useful.
3. The Battery Needs Charging too Frequently - Another unmistakable sign that your battery needs replacement is that it drains too quickly. To identify this issue, watch out for the battery percentage once you take the laptop off the power. If it drains out much more quickly than it used to, then you know what you have to do.
According to Apple, a majority of its modern batteries for its MacBook range are built to last throughout the day (11-12 hours) after a single full charge. Laptops that are smaller in size or older aren’t rated the same. Laptops tend to decrease in terms of their charge-holding capacity the longer they are used, which is normal. When you opt for one of the MacBook screen replacement Dubai based stores, you can get its battery checked too.
Even so, even a substantially old and well-used battery is typically capable of lasting at least a few hours. If yours doesn’t, consider a few reasons why it may be dead within an hour or two:
- Generally, some of the programs run on the computer can be resource-intensive, making the laptop work harder and draining the battery quicker as a result.
- Certain changes in the software or the operating system itself can be the culprit at times. For instance, if you have upgraded the macOS to a newer version right before the battery issue came up, it may as well be causing rapid battery depletion. In this case, make sure to ask around to see whether anybody else is facing a similar issue. You may also consider switching back to the older version.
4. The
Laptop Won’t Start
- Is your MacBook not turning on? You can try switching it on after
connecting it to a power source. Make sure to wait for at least a few
minutes before you try turning it on again. If it still won’t work or it
turns off the second you disconnect the power, there may indeed be an
issue with the battery.
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